KUMJ | VOL. 14 | NO. 2 | ISSUE 54 | APR-JUN. 2016

Ovarian Tumors: Pattern of Histomorphological Types- A 10 Years Study in a Tertiary Referral Center and Review of Literature
Ghosh A, Ghartimagar D, Thapa S, Sathian B, Narasimhan R, Talwar OP

Background Ovarian cancer accounts for 6% of all cancers in females. Among cancers of female genital tract, the incidence of ovarian cancers ranks below only carcinoma of the cervix and the endometrium. Objective To find the frequency of different types of histomorphological types and their association with age, side and size distribution. Method This study is a hospital based retrospective study carried out in the Department of Pathology, Manipal Teaching Hospital over a time period from Jan. 2006 to Sep. 2015. Specimens were received from the Manipal Teaching Hospital and other hospitals within the Himalayan valley of Pokhara. All the clinical and histolpathological data were retrieved from the departmental data bank and were analyzed. Result A total of 409 cases of ovarian tumors have been reported in the same period. Among them, 215 cases were of surface epithelial origin including 172 benign, 07 borderline and 36 malignant cases. Among the surface epithelial tumors, the commonest was serous cystadenoma (119 cases) followed by mucinous cyst adenoma (40 cases). There were 176 cases of tumors with germ cell origin which included 170 cases of teratoma, four dysgerminoma and one each case of choriocarcinoma and yolk sac tumor. Among seven metastatic tumors, one case was of Krukenberg tumor. Age range was 12 to 90 years and the size range from 3 to 36 cm. Conclusion In our study, we analyzed all the spectrum of ovarian tumors diagnosed on morphological bases and most of the findings were similar to other national & international studies. However, we have reported increased percentage of mucinous tumors and less sex cord stromal tumors.
Keyword : Germ cell tumor, metastatic, mucinous, ovarian tumor, serous