KUMJ | VOL. 15 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 57 | JAN.-MARCH, 2017

Platelet Rich Fibrin in Management of Complex Endoperio Cases
Patel GK, Deepika PC, Sisodia N, Manjunath MK

Endo-perio lesions have been a dilemma to the dental practitioner. Both tissues share the same anatomical origin. Sometimes exact etiological passage of disease process cannot be traced; nevertheless traditional and newer treatment modalities must be employed to ensure best treatment possibilities. Patient reported with pain and pus exudates in upper left anterior region. Past dental history revealed no history of trauma. Initial examination revealed draining sinus with respect to 22. However, no Caries and pockets could be detected. Tooth was nonresponsive to vitality test. Patient symptoms did not relieve even two months after completion of RCT. Apical surgery was planned. Apicectomy was done and osseous defect was filled with PRF coagulum. Patient was followed up every three months and showed complete resolution of all symptoms. Radiographs showed complete resolution of osseous defect in nine months. PRF can be used to enhance bone augmentation in treatment of periapical defects as a potential treatment alternative for faster healing.
Keyword : Bone graft, periapical cyst, platelet rich plasma