KUMJ | VOL. 1 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 4 | OCT-DEC, 2003

Eclampsia : a hospital based retrospective study
Choudhary P

Aim and objective: This study was done to see the incidence, epidemiology , clinical profile of eclamptic patients
and the effect of current intervention strategy for Eclampsia on maternal and perinatal outcome.
Methodology: Analysis of case records of all Eclampsia cases from mid-April,2000 to mid-April,2001.
Results: Incidence of Eclampsia has was found to be 2.9 per 1000 deliveries. Eclampsia was primarily a disease of
young women (97.22%) and nulliparas (80.85%). Approximately half of eclamptic patients had some antenatal
care(55.31%)and majority of them had fits before the onset of labor(70.21%). Most eclamptic patients presented
with fits at term pregnancy (72.34%).About three fourth of them started fitting at home (74.46%) but one fourth had
first fit while already admitted in the hospital(25.53%). Caesarean section was common mode of delivery(55.31%).
There was no maternal death. Majority of patients stopped fitting once intervention was started (80.85%) and went
home within three weeks (95.73%). One fifth of babies died [stillbirths (14%), neonatal deaths (6%)].
Conclusion: It appears that current intervention strategy for eclampsia in the maternity hospital is effective in
reducing maternal mortality and morbidity but perinatal outcome still needs to be improved.

Keyword : Eclampsia, Maternal outcome, perinatal outcome, magnesium sulphate.