KUMJ | VOL. 4 | NO. 2 | ISSUE 14 | APRIL-JUNE, 2006

An anomaly of inferior vena cava: A rare case report
Kumar S

A double Inferior Vena cava (IVC) was observed during routine dissection of the posterior abdominal wall in a middle aged male cadaver. The left IVC was formed at the Junction of left external and internal iliac veins. It  ascended upwards medial to left psoas major and at the level of second Lumbar vertebra, opened into left renal vein. The IVC is a retro peritoneal structure whose location and integrity is very important for the surgeons. The vast variability of the overall rare congenital anomalies of the IVC were mostly detected by different imaging modalities. The embryogenesis of the inferior vena cava is a complicated process involving development, regression, anastomoses and replacement of three pairs of venous channels, posterior cardinal, subcardinal and supracardinal veins, resulting in numerous but rare anomalies.

Keyword : inferior vena cava; double; variations