KUMJ | VOL. 4 | NO. 3 | ISSUE 15 | JULY-SEPT, 2006

A case of left atrial myxoma: Anaesthetic management
Pradhan B, Acharya SP

Left Atrial Myxomas are notorious for their varied presentations. We describe one such case which initially
presented with hemiparesis and seizures and was diagnosed as cerebral infarction and treated accordingly and
decompression craniotomy with hinge flap was done for raised ICP and impending brain herniation. The main cause was a left atrial myxoma, which was diagnosed only in follow up. The myxoma has embolised to give rise to cerebral infarction. The LA myxoma was then successfully operated under general anaesthesia and
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).

Keyword : Hemiparesis, Cerebral infarction, Left Atrial (LA) Myxoma