KUMJ | VOL. 4 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 16 | OCT-DEC, 2006

Mandibular reconstruction
Nath S, Joshi KD, Shakya S, Shrestha S, Koirala U


One of the most difficult problem in reconstructive surgery is the replacement of lost bone from trauma, tumour, infection or congenital anomaly. This is a case report of a 20 year old male who had suffered a blast injury of his lower jaw. From his first admission in the Plastic unit of Bir Hospital on Feb 19, 2003, he had undergone multiple operations until Nov 2003. This is a description of a follow up surgery done in Kathmandu Medical College (KMC), Sinamangal. Difficulties encountered and options available have also been discussed. 

Keyword : Mandibular reconstruction, Pedicle osteomyocutaneous flap