KUMJ | VOL. 5 | NO. 3 | ISSUE 19 | JULY-SEPT, 2007

Crown augmentation using modified bilayered restoration for anchorage: A case report
Pai V, Kundabala M, Dixit P, Gautam S

An ankylosed tooth can be suitable for obtaining orthodontic anchorage. However, if such a tooth lacks adequate clinical crown height, the anchorage will not be effective. In those situations surgical luxation or restorative crown augmentation is suggested. This case report is about the restorative treatment of an ankylosed, infraoccluded tooth to enhance the anchorage for forced orthodontic eruption of impacted maxillary canines. A crown augmentation in the form of a modified bilayered (sandwich) restoration using GIC, Composite resin and Silver amalgam on left maxillary first molar (26) was successful in sustaining the anchorage for forced eruption and alignment of impacted canines.

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