KUMJ | VOL. 6 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 21 | JAN-MAR, 2008

Study of socio-demographic and health status of the people of Duwakot VDC, Bhaktapur district
Maskey KP


Aims and Objectives: To know the population pattern, socio-economic status, socio cultural aspect and common prevailing disease of the Duwakot VDC of Bhaktapur district.
Methodology: This is a cross sectional descriptive study. Out of total 206 household, only 120 houses were purposively selected for the survey. A set of semi-structured questionnaire was administered to the representative member of the sample households.
Results: Report obtained from the household survey, ward no. 3 and 4 of Duwakot, the total population of 120 household was found to be 658 and out of that male population was 329 and female population was also 329. That means 50% of population was male and 50% of population was female. Family size refers to the total number of people in the family. The family size depends upon numerous factors like duration of marriage, education of the people. Family planning services will promote the democratic principle that individuals be free to make choices for themselves. It is clear from the table that the more number of males than female respondents knew the family planning methods. Family planning helps not only to attain birth control, proper spacing and limitation of birth but also reduce the population growth and improve over all maternal and child health status including socio economic status. Out of 43 children, BCG, DPT, polio was taken by all children whereas 38 (88.4%) children had taken measles vaccine due to the age less than 9 months and only 5 (11.6%) children were found taken hepatitis B vaccine. It may be due to new invention.

Keyword : socio-demographic, Health status.