KUMJ | VOL. 7 | NO. 3 | ISSUE 27 | JULY-SEPT, 2009

Chilaiditi’s syndrome
Hazra NK, Panhani ML, Tiwari PK, Gupta A


Chilaiditi’s Syndrome is an entity where a loop of the intestine gets interposed between the liver and the diaphragm on the right side and radiologically shows up as gas under the diaphragm, when there is no actual perforation. This causes concern for the treating surgeon and may result in laparotomies uncalled for. We present two cases of Chilaiditi’s Syndrome out of which one had an interposed small bowel loop and was operated upon after making a diagnosis of perforation peritonitis. Other was associated with sigmoid volvulus and was managed conservatively. Review of literature regarding aetiology and associated causes has been done in this study.

Keyword : Chilaiditi’s sign, Chilaiditi’s syndrome, cirrhosis, ascites, sigmoid volvulus.