KUMJ | VOL. 3 | NO. 3 | ISSUE 11 | JULY-SEPT, 2005

Type Title Author Action Page Number
Editorial Aesthetic Practice in Nepal Karn D Download PDF 109-109
Editorial Awakening to the occupational health problems Joshi SK Download PDF 205-206
Editorial Informed consent: What it is all about Shrestha BM Download PDF 205-207
Original Articles Analgesia after inguinal herniotomy in children: Combination of simplified (Single Puncture) ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve blocks and wound infiltration vs. caudal block with 0.25% bupivacaine Bhattarai BK, Rahman TR, Sah BP, Tuladhar UR Download PDF Read Abstract 208-211
Original Articles Two faces of major lower limb amputations Paudel B, Shrestha BK, Banskota AK Download PDF Read Abstract 212-216
Original Articles Variation of intraocular pressure in patients with leprosy Javvadhi SS, Das H, Badhu BP, Agrawal S Download PDF Read Abstract 217-221
Original Articles Correlation of cervical cytology with cervical histology Saha R, Thapa M Download PDF Read Abstract 222-224
Original Articles Comprehensive abortion care service at Kathmandu Medical College – An experience Pande S, Sharma M, Saha R, Thapa M, Shrestha N, Regmi D Download PDF Read Abstract 225-229
Original Articles Viral infections in sudden hearing loss. Do we have enough evidence? Mishra B, Panda N, Singh MP, Ratho RK Download PDF Read Abstract 230-233
Original Articles Rupture of the pregnant uterus – A 20 year review Padhye SM Download PDF Read Abstract 234-238
Original Articles Seroprevalene of hepatitis B virus among Bhutanese refugees residing in Nepal Shah BK, Bhattacharya S, Parija SC Download PDF Read Abstract 239-242
Original Articles Bone scintigraphy in the evaluation of cancer Gupta V Download PDF Read Abstract 243-248
Original Articles Clinical analysis of glaucoma in hospital patients Rijal AP Download PDF Read Abstract 249-254
Original Articles A retrospective analysis of open globe injuries in a tertiary ophthalmological centre in North-East India Purkayastha S, Sharma G Download PDF Read Abstract 255-258
Original Articles Attitude of women towards family planning methods and its use – Study from a slum of Delhi Kumar S, Priyadarshni A, Kant S, Anand K, Yadav BK Download PDF Read Abstract 259-262
Original Articles Cephalic index of Gurung community of Nepal - An anthropometric study Lobo SW, Chandrashekhar TS, Kumar S Download PDF Read Abstract 263-265
Original Articles Situation of antenatal care and delivery practices Pradhan A Download PDF Read Abstract 266-270
Original Articles Informed consent: Is it really understood? Gongal R, Bhattarai P Download PDF Read Abstract 271-273
Original Articles Health profile of school children in Bhaktapur Pandey S, Dudani I, Pradhan A Download PDF Read Abstract 274-280
Original Articles Histological changes of the skeletal muscle due to muscle tension: A study in rats Devkota P, ZENG Bing-fang, TANG Jian-fei, FAN Cun-yi Download PDF Read Abstract 281-284
Review Articles Therapeutic dimensions of ACE inhibitors- A review of literature and clinical trials Prabhu M, Palaian S, Malhotra A, Ravishankar P, Bista D, Almeida R, Mishra P Download PDF Read Abstract 296-304
Case Reports Ancient cystic pelvic schwannoma presenting as a right iliac fossa mass Rai BR, Chaudhary D, Thapa P, Joshi MR, Dongol UMS, Singh DR, Sharma SK Download PDF Read Abstract 285-288
Case Reports Successful management of idiopathic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with corticosteroids and cytotoxic agent Adhikary L, Simkhada R Download PDF Read Abstract 289-291
Case Reports Orbital cellulitis - A complication of sinusitis Lavania A, Sharma V, Reddy NS, Baksh R Download PDF Read Abstract 292-293
Case Reports Bilateral simultaneous total knee replacement under combined spinal epidural anaesthesia Shrestha BR, Nagendra KC Download PDF Read Abstract 294-295
Case Reports Honey – A remedy rediscovered and its therapeutic utility Bansal V, Medhi B, Pandhi P Download PDF Read Abstract 305-309

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