KUMJ | VOL. 7 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 25 | JAN-MARCH, 2009

Type Title Author Action Page Number
Editorial Medical education: Historical perspective Dixit H Download PDF 1
Editorial Partnerships in health research: Experiences from a developing country Banjara MR Download PDF 2-3
Original Articles Risk of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in babies born to ‘O’ positive mothers: A prospective cohort study Kalakheti BK, Singh R, Bhatta NK, Karki A, Baral N Download PDF Read Abstract 11-15
Original Articles A comparative study of early vs. delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis Yadav RP, Adhikary S, Agrawal CS, Bhattarai B, Gupta RK, Ghimire A Download PDF Read Abstract 16-20
Original Articles Indications for labour induction and predictors for failed induction at KMCTH Rayamajhi RT, Karki C, Shrestha N, Padhye SM Download PDF Read Abstract 21-25
Original Articles Evaluation of predictive factors for conversion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy Gabriel R, Kumar S, Shrestha A Download PDF Read Abstract 26-30
Original Articles Baseline survey on functioning of abortion services in government approved CAC centres in three pilot districts of Nepal Karki C, Ojha M, Rayamajhi RT Download PDF Read Abstract 31-39
Original Articles Is there a link between problem-based learning and emotional intelligence? Evans P Download PDF Read Abstract 4-7
Original Articles Cytogenetic analysis of children with suspected genetic disorder Shrestha U, Bhattacharya S, Bhatta NK, Jha CB Download PDF Read Abstract 40-43
Original Articles Causes of vision impairment and assessment of need for low vision services for students of blind schools in Nepal Kansakar I, Thapa HB, Salma KC, Ganguly S, Kandel RP, Rajasekaran S Download PDF Read Abstract 44-49
Original Articles Intraperitoneal and periportal injection of bupivacaine for pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy Maharjan SK, Shrestha S Download PDF Read Abstract 50-53
Original Articles Incidence of tuberculosis in enlarged neck nodes, our experience Maharjan M, Hirachan S, Ka e PK, Bista M, Shrestha S, Toran KC, Lakhey M Download PDF Read Abstract 54-58
Original Articles The pattern of tooth loss due to dental caries and periodontal disease among patients attending dental department (OPD), Dhulikhel Hospital, Kathmandu University Teaching Hospital (KUTH), Nepal Upadhyaya C, Humagain M Download PDF Read Abstract 59-62
Original Articles A study of severity of intention of suicide in various psychiatric diagnoses Pradhan SN, Adhikary SR Download PDF Read Abstract 63-66
Original Articles Study on the refractive errors of school going children of Pokhara city in Nepal Niroula DR, Saha CG Download PDF Read Abstract 67-72
Original Articles Development of medical education in Nepal Dixit H Download PDF Read Abstract 8-10
Case Reports Unusually large prostatic utricle cyst Paudel K, Kumar A Download PDF Read Abstract 73-75
Case Reports Nonclassical focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver in a chronic alcoholic: A diagnostic dilemma on FNAC Pai R, Khadilkar UN, Diaz E, Prabhu S, Gupta S Download PDF Read Abstract 76-78
Case Reports Acute cytomegalovirus hepatitis in immunocompetent host Mamun-Al-Mahtab, Rahman S, Khan M Download PDF Read Abstract 79-81
Case Reports Unresolved abdominal mass Shrestha B, Baidya JL Download PDF Read Abstract 82-85
Letter To The Editor In response to the article entitled “Surgery for recurrent lower lip carcinoma” by Maharjan S et al, published in KUMJ, 2008 Vol. 6, No. 3, Issue 23, 375-378. Bhandary S Download PDF Read Abstract 86-88

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