KUMJ | VOL. 9 | NO. 3 | ISSUE 35 | JUL-SEP, 2011

Type Title Author Action Page Number
Editorial Suicide : Leading Cause of Death among Women in Nepal Karki C Download PDF 157
Original Articles Peripheral Airway Responsiveness to Sub-maximal Exercise in Asymptomatic Cigarette Smokers. Pokhrel BR, Chatopadhyaya S, Paudel BH Download PDF Read Abstract 159-164
Original Articles Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Nepal Thapa R, Paudyal G, Shrestha MK, Gurung R, Ruit S Download PDF Read Abstract 165-169
Original Articles Propofol Sedation During Spinal Anaesthesia - A Dose Finding Study Ghimire A, Bhattarai B, Rahman TR, Singh SN, Koirala S, Tripathi M Download PDF Read Abstract 170-173
Original Articles Clinical, MRI and Arthroscopic Correlation in Internal Derangement of Knee Sharma UK, Shrestha BK, Rijal S, Bijukachhe B, Barakoti R, Banskota B, Pradhan I, Banskota AK Download PDF Read Abstract 174-178
Original Articles Practices and Perceptions on Contraception Acceptance among Clients Availing Safe Abortion Services in Nepal Khanal V, Joshi C, Neupane D, Karkee R Download PDF Read Abstract 179-184
Original Articles Pattern of Renal Cell Carcinoma – A Single Center Experience in Nepal. Sidharth, Luitel BR, Gupta DK, Maskey P, Chalise PR, Sharma UK, Gyawali PR, Shrestha GK, Sayami G, Joshi BR Download PDF Read Abstract 185-188
Original Articles Effectiveness of Teachers’ Training in Assessment Techniques: Participants’ Perception. Baral N, Gautam A, Lamsal M, Paudel BH, Lal Das BK, Aryal M Download PDF Read Abstract 189-192
Original Articles Morphometric Analysis of Clavicle in Nepalese Population Haque MK, Mansur DI, Krishnamurthy A, Karki R, Sharma K, Shakya R Download PDF Read Abstract 193-197
Original Articles Intramedullary Nailing for Paediatric Diaphyseal Forearm Bone Fracture Parajuli NP, Shrestha D, Dhoju D, Dhakal GR, Shrestha R, Sharma V Download PDF Read Abstract 198-202
Review Articles Drug - Receptor Interactions Suvarna BS Download PDF Read Abstract 203-207
Review Articles Needlestick Injuries in Dentistry Gupta N, Tak J Download PDF Read Abstract 208-212
Review Articles Common Mental Disorders Risal A Download PDF Read Abstract 213-217
Case Reports A Diagnosis Missed for Several Years- Wegener’s Granulomatosis Paudyal BP, Pantha S, Ranjitkar N, Manandhar A, Arjyal A Download PDF Read Abstract 218-221
Case Reports Preterm Gestation Along with Partial Hydatidiform Mole and Alive Foetus Tamrakar SR, Chawla CD Download PDF Read Abstract 222-224
Student KUMJ The Journey of a Journal Joshi A Download PDF Read Abstract 225

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