KUMJ | VOL. 13 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 49 | JAN-MAR, 2015

Type Title Author Action Page Number
Editorial The World is Changing and Along with it the World of Dermatology. Pai G S Download PDF 1-2
Original Articles Academic Staff Perspectives Towards Adoption of E-learning at Melaka Manipal Medical College: Has E-learning Redefined our Teaching Model? Bhardwaj A, Nagandla K, Swe KMM, Abas ABL Download PDF Read Abstract 12-18
Original Articles Early Outcome of Liver Resections in Octogenarians Bhandari RS, Riddiough G, Muralidharan V, Christophi C Download PDF Read Abstract 19-23
Original Articles Association of Ambient Air Quality with Male’s Pulmonary Function in Kolkata City, India Chatterjee P, Das Download PDF Read Abstract 24-28
Original Articles Relation of Sociodemographics and Personal Hygiene on Different Childhood Dermatoses Gauchan E, Kumar A, BK G, Thapa P, Pun J Download PDF Read Abstract 29-33
Original Articles Undertreated Hypertension and its Implications for Public Health in Nepal: Nationwide Population-Based Survey Koju R, Manandhar K, Risal A, Steiner TJ, Holen A, Linde M Download PDF Read Abstract 3-7
Original Articles Surgical Outcomes in Cases of Marcus-Gunn Jaw-Winking Phenomenon Sthapit PR, Saiju R Download PDF Read Abstract 34-37
Original Articles Assessment of Knowledge Regarding Oral Hygiene among Parents of Pre-School Children Attending Pediatric Out Patient Department in Dhulikhel Hospital Khanal K, Shrestha D, Ghimire N, Younjan R, Sanjel S Download PDF Read Abstract 38-43
Original Articles Screening for Postpartum Depression and Associated Factors among Women who Deliver at a University Hospital, Nepal. Kunwar D, Corey E K, Sharma P, Risal A Download PDF Read Abstract 44-48
Original Articles Evaluation of Etiology of Epistaxis and its Management in Dhulikhel Hospital Shrestha I, Pokharel M, Shrestha BL, Dhakal A, Amatya RCM Download PDF Read Abstract 49-55
Original Articles Percutaneous Ilio-Sacral Screw Fixation in Supine Position under Fluoroscopy Guidance. Shrestha D, Dhoju D, Shrestha R, Sharma V Download PDF Read Abstract 56-60
Original Articles Radiation Exposure to the Patient During Diagnostic Coronary Angiogram at Dhulikhel Hospital. Humagain S, Maharjan R, Koju R Download PDF Read Abstract 61-63
Original Articles A Cross-Sectional Study of Medication Adherence Pattern and Factors Affecting the Adherence in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Shrestha R, Pant A, Shakya Shrestha S, Shrestha B, Gurung RB, Karmacharya BM Download PDF Read Abstract 64-70
Original Articles Vitamin D and Other Risk Factors among Stroke Patients Pokharel BR, Kharel G, Thapa LJ, Rana PVS Download PDF Read Abstract 71-73
Original Articles Dentigerous Cysts of Maxillofacial Region– Clinical, Radiographic and Biochemical Analysis Sridevi K, Kaushik A, Ramaswamy P, Manjula M, Vinod VC, Aravinda K Download PDF Read Abstract 8-11
Review Articles Point-of-care Ultrasonography in Critically Ill Patients Shrestha GS Download PDF Read Abstract 83-87
Review Articles HIV/AIDS: A Persistent Health Issue for Women and Children in Mid and Far Western Nepal Awasthi KR, Adefemi K, Tamrakar M Download PDF Read Abstract 88-93
Case Reports Anomalous Facial Nerve: An Unusual Cause of Obstruction of Middle Ear Ventilation Das S, Tuli I P Download PDF Read Abstract 74-76
Case Reports Community-Acquired Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia: Case Series Veni E JK, Bhat G, Shalini S M, Kumar P, Chakrapani M, Baliga S Download PDF Read Abstract 77-79
Case Reports Anesthetic Management of a Patient with Myasthenia Gravis for Meningioma Surgery - A Case Report Srivastava V K, Agrawal S, Ahmed M, Sharma S Download PDF Read Abstract 80-82

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