KUMJ | VOL. 13 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 52 | OCT-DEC, 2015

Type Title Author Action Page Number
Editorial Is the Science in Right Direction? Pitfalls of Evidence Based Medicine in Nepal Sathian B Download PDF 279-280
Original Articles Histopathological Changes in the Chorionic Villi and Endometrial Decidual Tissues in the Product of Conception of Spontaneous Abortion Cases. Makaju R, Shrestha S, Sharma S, Dhakal R, Bhandari S, Shrestha A, Tamrakar S Download PDF Read Abstract
Original Articles Comparison of Hysterosalpingography and Combined Laparohysteroscopy for the Evaluation of Primary Infertility Nigam A, Saxena P, Mishra A Download PDF Read Abstract 281-285
Original Articles Sonographic Assessment of the Normal Dimensions of Liver, Spleen, and Kidney in Healthy Children at Tertiary Care Hospital Thapa NB, Shah S, Pradhan A, Rijal K, Pradhan A, Basnet S Download PDF Read Abstract 286-291
Original Articles Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Contraception among Postpartum Women Attending Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Bajracharya A Download PDF Read Abstract 292-297
Original Articles Self-Esteem and Academic Stress among Nursing Students Acharya Pandey R, Chalise HN Download PDF Read Abstract 298-302
Original Articles Study of Microorganism Growth Pattern in Nasal Pack of Patients Visiting the Department of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery Shrestha I, Pokharel M, Dhakal A, Amatya RCM, Madhup S, Sherchan JB Download PDF Read Abstract 303-307
Original Articles Perceptions and Attitudes towards Evidence Based Practice among Nurses and Nursing Students in Nepal Karki S, Acharya R, Budhwani H, Shrestha P, Chalise P, Shrestha U, Gautam K, Wilson L Download PDF Read Abstract 308-315
Original Articles School Teachers’ Knowledge about Epilepsy in Kathmandu Metropolitan City Khanal K, Maharjan R, Pokharel BR, Sanjel S Download PDF Read Abstract 316-322
Original Articles Acoustic Analysis Before and After Voice Therapy for Laryngeal Pathology. Chhetri SS, Gautam R Download PDF Read Abstract 323-327
Original Articles Oral Hygiene and Gingival Health in Patients with Fixed Prosthodontic Appliances - A Six Month Follow-up KC Basnyat S, Sapkota B, Shrestha S Download PDF Read Abstract 328-332
Original Articles Study of Clinical Variables Affecting Long Term Outcome after Microdisectomy for Lumbar Disc Herniation. Shrestha D, Shrestha R, Dhoju D, Kayastha SR, Jha SC Download PDF Read Abstract 333-340
Original Articles Prevalence of Obesity in Medical students and its correlation with cardiovascular risk factors: Emergency Alarm for Today? Purohit G, Shah T, Harsoda JM Download PDF Read Abstract 341-345
Original Articles Prevalence and Associated Factors of Hypertension among Adults in Rural Nepal: A Community Based Study Chataut J, Khanal K, Manandhar K Download PDF Read Abstract 346-350
Original Articles Assessment of Critical Knowledge on Maternal and Newborn care Services among Primary Level Nurse Mid-wives in Kapilvastu District of Nepal Acharya D, Paudel R Download PDF Read Abstract 351-356
Original Articles The Analgesic Effectiveness of Ipsilateral Transversus Abdominis Plane Block in Adult Patients Undergoing Appendectomy: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Ghimire A, Bhattarai B, Prasad JN, Shah SP Download PDF Read Abstract 361-365
Case Reports Hereditary Spherocytosis with Splenomegaly and Cholelithiasis in a Young Male of Western Region of Nepal - A Case Report Ghimire P, Gurung NV, Shrestha S, Gurung A, Poudel SR, Chapagain A Download PDF Read Abstract 366-368
Case Reports Oblique Retro-Aortic Left Renal Vein and its Clinical Importance Bhagavath P, Nayak BS, Monteiro NPF, Kumar GP Download PDF Read Abstract 369-371
Case Reports Complete Heart Block in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: A Rare Association Dubey L, Guruprasad S, Bhattacharya R, Subramanyam G Download PDF Read Abstract 372-374

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