KUMJ | VOL. 15 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 57 | JAN.-MARCH, 2017

Type Title Author Action Page Number
Editorial Dermoscopy – Not just for diagnosis and not just for Dermatologists ! Sonthalia S, Errichetti E Download PDF 1-2
Original Articles Incidence and Associated Risk Factors of Postoperative Sore Throat in Tertiary Care Hospital Shrestha S, Maharjan B, Karmacharya RM Download PDF Read Abstract 10-13
Original Articles Pattern of Self-medication in Undergraduate Students at BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences Sarraf DP, Karna G, Dhungana P, Lammichhane S, Rauniar GP Download PDF Read Abstract 14-18
Original Articles To Access the Role of Serum Procalcitonin in Predicting the Severity of Acute Pancreatitis Kumar S, Jalan A, Patowary BN, Bhandari U Download PDF Read Abstract 19-24
Original Articles Clinical Profile of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Adults in Dhulikhel Hospital Prajapati BK Download PDF Read Abstract 25-28
Original Articles Evaluation of Risk Factors for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux among Sikkimese Population Kesari SP, Chakraborty S, Sharma B Download PDF Read Abstract 29-34
Original Articles Study of Adherence Pattern of Antidepressants in Patients with Depression Shrestha Manandhar J, Shrestha R, Basnet N, Silwal P, Shrestha H, Risal A, Kunwar D Download PDF Read Abstract 3-9
Original Articles Factors Influencing Brain Drain among Nepalese Nurses Thapa B, Shrestha K Download PDF Read Abstract 35-39
Original Articles Outcome of Patients with Meningitis and Encephalitis at Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern Nepal Kafle DR, Subedi M, Thapa M Download PDF Read Abstract 40-44
Original Articles A Survey on Oral Health and Practice of Nepalese in Areas Affected by Earthquake in 2015 Rokaya D, Suttagul K, Karki S, Rokaya N, Seriwatanachai D, Humagain M Download PDF Read Abstract 45-50
Original Articles Histopathological Analysis of Non-Neoplastic Superficial Lymphadenopathies Thapa S, Ghosh A, Ghartimagar D, Narasimhan R, Prasad T, Talwar OP Download PDF Read Abstract 50-55
Original Articles Characterization of Seasonal Influenza Virus Type and Subtypes Isolated from Influenza Like Illness Cases of 2012 Upadhyay BP, Ghimire P, Tashiro M, Banjara MR Download PDF Read Abstract 56-60
Original Articles Determination of Sex from the Foramen Magnum using 3DCT: A Nepalese Study Singh PK, Tamrakar D, Karki S, Menezes RG Download PDF Read Abstract 61-65
Original Articles Incidence and Pattern of Impaction of Mandibular Third Molars : A Single Institutional Experience in Nepal Upadhyaya C, Chaurasia NK, Neupane I, Srivastava S Download PDF Read Abstract 66-69
Original Articles Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Craniocerebral Trauma in Dhulikhel Hospital Suwal S, Karki S, Mandal D, Poudel RC Download PDF Read Abstract 70-73
Original Articles Awareness and Knowledge of Oral Cancer among Medical Students in Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences Pokharel M, Shrestha I, Dhakal A, Amatya RCM Download PDF Read Abstract 74-77
Original Articles Diabetic Retinopathy Awareness among Diabetic Patients Attending COMS-TH Dahal P, Adhikari H Download PDF Read Abstract 78-82
Original Articles Correlation between Preoperative High Resolution Computed Tomography (CT) Findings with Surgical Findings in Chronic Otitis Media (COM) Squamosal Type Karki S, Pokharel M, Suwal S, Poudel R Download PDF Read Abstract 83-86
Case Reports Platelet Rich Fibrin in Management of Complex Endoperio Cases Patel GK, Deepika PC, Sisodia N, Manjunath MK Download PDF Read Abstract 101-104
Case Reports Subtotal Petrosectomy and Cochlear Implant Placement in Otologic Presentation of “Wegener‘s Granulomatosis” Elmas F, Shrestha BL, Linder TE Download PDF Read Abstract 93-97
Case Reports Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Aluminium Phosphide Poisoning Behera C, Krishna K, Arava S Download PDF Read Abstract 98-100
Short Communications Gene-environment Interaction: The Causes of High Obesity Incidence Mohammed S. Ellulu, Marwan O. Jalambo Download PDF Read Abstract 90-92
Letter To The Editor Regarding “Haemolytic Effects of Hypo-osmotic Salt Solutions on Human Erythrocytes” in Kathmandu University Medical Journal 2011;34(2):35-9. JP Rao, Nepal O Download PDF Read Abstract 87
Letter To The Editor Regarding “Ultrasound Guided Femoral Nerve Block to Provide Analgesia for Positioning Patients with Femur Fracture Before Subarachnoid Block: Comparison with Intravenous Fentanyl” in Kathmandu University Medical Journal 2016;54(2):125-9. Raghuraman MS, Ranjit S Download PDF Read Abstract 88-89

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