Awareness of Burn First Aid Management among Undergraduate Medical Students at a Medical College Teaching Hospital
Thapa S, Thapa B, Shrestha S
Abstract: Background
First aid training, educational degree of health sector employee is linked to
greater levels of knowledge, awareness and positive outcome in burn injury
and its management but studies have shown insufficient level of awareness with
unsatisfactory skills not only among professional healthcare workers but also in
medical students.
To assess the knowledge and confidence of our medical students towards basic burn
first aid and management.
Cross sectional observational study was done using a structured, self-reported
16 multiple choice questionnaire with total marks of 30. Students was graded
accordingly: more than 25 points: good, 16-25 points: satisfactory and less than
16 points: poor level of awareness about burn first aid management. Confidence
in management of burn related victims, information on receiving of prior formal
training in burns and sources of knowledge in students were also evaluated.
Only a satisfactory level of awareness is seen in medical students 62.1%, 98.2% had
not received any kind of formal training and the medical college curriculum was the
main source of information (69.2%) followed by journals (47.1%) and internet (26%).
78.4% students felt that the curriculum provided to them was inadequate and only
5.3% students were confident in managing burn first aid.
There was inadequacy in the knowledge of burn first aid amongst undergraduate
students therefore clinical course in managing burns into the undergraduate
curriculum is vital.
Keyword : Awareness, Burns, First aid management, Medical students, Perception