KUMJ | VOL. 14 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 53 | JAN-MAR, 2016

Type Title Author Action Page Number
Editorial Childhood Injury Prevention in Post-epidemiological Transition in Nepal Joshi SK, Pant PR Download PDF 1-2
Original Articles Clinicomorphological Spectrum of Ovarian Cystic Lesions Dhakal R, Makaju R, Bastakoti R Download PDF Read Abstract 13-16
Original Articles Awareness-Knowledge and Practices of Dental Waste Management among Private Practitioners. Abhishek KN, Supreetha S, Varma Penumatsa N, Sam G, Khanapure SC, Sivarajan S Download PDF Read Abstract 17-21
Original Articles Study of Depression, Anxiety and Stress among the Medical Students in two Medical Colleges of Nepal Kunwar D, Risal A, Koirala S Download PDF Read Abstract 22-26
Original Articles Blood Requisition and Utilization Practice in Surgical Patients in a Teaching Hospital, Western Nepal Karki OB Download PDF Read Abstract 27-30
Original Articles Reliability and Validity of the Nepali Wolf Motor Function Test following Cross-cultural Adaptation Adhikari SP, Tretriluxana J, Chaiyawat P Download PDF Read Abstract 3-8
Original Articles Comparison of Initial Response of Nebulized Salbutamol and Adrenaline in Infants and young Children Admitted with Acute Bronchiolitis. Adhikari S, Thapa P, Rao KS, BK G Download PDF Read Abstract 31-35
Original Articles Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: A study for association of Thyroid Dysfunction Karn D, KC S, Timalsina M Download PDF Read Abstract 36-40
Original Articles Urinary Tract Infection in Asymptomatic Newborns with Prolonged Unconjugated Hyperbilirubunemia: A Hospital based Observational study from Western Region of Nepal Malla T, Sathian B, Malla KK, Adhikari S Download PDF Read Abstract 41-46
Original Articles A Prospective Study of Commonly Prescribed Drugs in the Management of Neuropathic Pain and its Medication Adherence Pattern. Shrestha R, Silwal P, Basnet N, Shakya Shrestha S, Shrestha R, Pokharel BR Download PDF Read Abstract 47-53
Original Articles Retrospective study of HIV infection in Anti Retroviral Treatment center of Mahendranagar, Nepal Chapagain RH, Adhikari K, Kamar SB, Singh DR Download PDF Read Abstract 54-57
Original Articles Medication Adherence Pattern and Factors affecting Adherence in Helicobacter Pylori Eradication Therapy Shakya Shrestha S, Bhandari M, Thapa SR, Shrestha R, Poudyal R, Purbey B, Gurung RB Download PDF Read Abstract 58-64
Original Articles Mortality Patterns among Hospital Deaths Karki RK Download PDF Read Abstract 65-68
Original Articles Drainage versus no Drainage after Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Sharma A, Gupta SN Download PDF Read Abstract 69-72
Original Articles Assessment of Nutritional Status of Children Under Five years of age in rural Nepal Chataut J, Khanal K Download PDF Read Abstract 73-77
Original Articles A Study on Variations of Nutrient Foramen of Humerus with its Clinical Implications Mansur DI, Manandhar P, Haque MK, Mehta DK, Duwal S, Timalsina B Download PDF Read Abstract 78-83
Original Articles Efficacy of Prophylactic B-Lynch Suture during Lower Segment Caesarian Section in High Risk Patients for Atonic Postpartum Haemorrhage Vijayasree M Download PDF Read Abstract 9-12
Case Reports Acute Subperiosteal Hematoma of the Orbit with Visual Impairment: An Unconventional Presentation Maithani T, Singh VP, Pandey A Download PDF Read Abstract 84-86
Case Reports Otorrhagia and Nosebleed as first signs of Intravascular Absorption Syndrome During Hysteroscopy: From Bench to Bedside. Giacobbe V, Rossetti D, Vitale SG, Rapisarda AMC, Padula F, Laganą AS, PalmaraVI Download PDF Read Abstract 87-89
Case Reports Orthognathic Surgery for the Correction of Severe Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Kafle D, Upadhayaya C, Chaurasia N, Agarwal A Download PDF Read Abstract 90-93

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