KUMJ | VOL. 9 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 36 | OCT-DEC, 2011

Adjunctive Orthodontic Treatment with Lingual Orthodontic System
Kafle D, Humagain M, Upadhaya C


The lingual orthodontic therapy though started in 1972, could not be popular till

the beginning of 1990. In Nepal it does not have a history of more than a year.

It is started in Dhulikhel Hospital for the first time in Nepal. Usually orthodontic

therapy is meant for putting braces on the labial surface of the teeth which is called

labial orthodontic system. Lingual orthodontic system is a purely invisible kind of

orthodontic therapy in which braces are placed behind the teeth. The advantages

of lingual orthodontic therapy are: invisibility, better biomechanics and improved

patient compliance. On the other hand it is difficult to master and costlier than

labial orthodontics. We have presented six adjunctive orthodontic cases treated by

lingual system with the same end result comparable to labial orthodontic system.

Keyword : invisible, labial ,lingual, orthodontics