KUMJ | VOL. 9 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 36 | OCT-DEC, 2011

A Case of Precocious Puberty in a Setting with Limited Resources
Paudel KP, Giri S, Shrestha PS, Shrestha L, Thapa SB, Shrestha M


Precocious puberty is a rare condition characterized by the development of

secondary sexual characteristics before the median age for the sex. It is either

gonadotropin dependent also called as central or gonadotropin independent also

known as peripheral type. Hypothalamamic Hamartoma is a common cause of

the central or precocious puberty due to organic brain lesion. Here we present a

two year male who presented us with precocious puberty due to a hypothalamic


Keyword : hypothalamic hamartoma, precociuos puberty