KUMJ | VOL. 10 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 40 | OCT-DEC, 2012
Effectiveness of an Educational Feedback Intervention on Drug Prescribing in Dental Practice
Rauniar GP, Das BP, Manandhar TR, Bhattacharya SK
Abstract: Background
Irrational use of drugs as well as inappropriate and over drug prescribing leads to
unnecessary expenditures and emergence of resistant bacterial strains. Feedback
intervention on drug prescribing habits and face to face educational intervention of
prescription audit would be effective in rationalizing prescribing practices.
To measure the impact of educational feedback intervention on the prescribing
behavior of dental surgeons.
Prospective audit of twelve hundred outpatients prescriptions in dental OPD at
BPKIHS of those dental surgeon who attended the educational intervention session
was collected randomly by trained persons on customized data collection sheet
before and after educational intervention.
A total 1200 prescription were collected, 300 before and 300 after intervention
period at the internal of one month, three months and six months. Majority of the
prescriptions (39.33%) contained four drugs but after intervention, prescriptions
contained mostly one drug, 73% in first month, 78.67% in third month and
65.34% in six month. Mean number of drugs per prescription after intervention
were decreased. There was increased number of generic names of drugs after
intervention. Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Chlorhexidine, Povidone iodine gargle,
Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ibuprofen + paracetamol, and Paracetamol were most
commonly prescribed by dental prescribers before and after intervention. Selection
of antimicrobial was done on empirical basis which was correct because Amoxicillin
concentration reaches effectively in gingival crevicular fluid and Metronidazole
covered effectively against anaerobic bacteria were found in orodental infection.
The uses of topical anti-infective preparation as irrigants of choice that can kill
majority of micro-organisms found is root canal and dental tubules and minimize
systemic use of antimicrobials. Nimesulide prescribing needs to be rationalized.
Feedback educational intervention of prescription audit is effective to improve
their prescribing behaviors and rationalize drug utilization pattern for the benefit
of the patients.
Keyword : Dental prescriber, drug utilization, feedback educational intervention