KUMJ | VOL. 2 | NO. 2 | ISSUE 6 | APRIL-JUNE, 2004

A study of metopic sutures in human skulls
Bilodi AK, Agrawal BK, Mane S, Kumar A

The present study has been carried out in fifty-one adult human skulls for metopic sutures in the department of
anatomy, Nepalgunj Medical College, Chisapani. Metopic sutures were found in six skulls (11.46 %) This study
showed higher incidences of incomplete metopic sutures (7.84 %). One skull showed double incomplete sutures
(one to right of bregma and other in the middle of the frontal bone in the mid line), which was of, a very rare variety
seen in frontal bone of (1.96 %), three skulls showed incomplete sutures (3.92 %). Though the number of the skulls
was small, the study showed a rare morphological variety, which was well correlated with earlier workers.

Keyword : Metopism, incomplete metopic sutures, nasion, bregma, duplication of incomplete metopic sutures