KUMJ | VOL. 12 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 48 | OCT-DEC, 2014
Tubercular Osteomyelitis of Talus with Staphylococcal Co infection
Soraganvi P, Ramakanth R
Abstract: Tuberculosis osteomyelitis of foot bones is uncommon and may evade the diagnosis
for long time because of atypical presentation, paucibacillary nature and relatively
normal picture on laboratory investigations. As tuberculosis of bone mimic like
chronic osteomyelitis, clinical picture with confection by other organism lead to
misdiagnosis. A case of tubercular osteomyelitis of talus reported here for its
rarity and atypical presentation. Clinical suspicion and histological confirmation of
diagnosis is recommended avoiding undue delay and for early chemotherapy.
Keyword : Osteomyelitis, staphylococcus, talus, tuberculosis