KUMJ | VOL. 13 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 49 | JAN-MAR, 2015
Anomalous Facial Nerve: An Unusual Cause of Obstruction of Middle Ear Ventilation
Das S, Tuli I P
Abstract: Numerous anomalies and variations of facial nerve anatomy leading to iatrogenic
injury are described. However, there are no reports of facial nerve dehiscence near
its second genu causing a hump and obstructing middle ear ventilation pathway, as
found in our case.
This particular anomaly of facial nerve is being reported to highlight its uniqueness
and that a dehiscent facial nerve may be a rare but dangerous cause of obstruction
of the attic ventilation. One has to be aware of this unusual anomaly to prevent
inadvertent damage to the facial nerve while clearing aditus block in persistent
otitis media.
Keyword : Facial nerve, facial nerve anomaly, facial nerve dehiscence.