KUMJ | VOL. 9 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 33 | JAN-MARCH, 2011
Fungal Infection Mimicking Metastasis in Lung Carcinoma
Sharma S, Shrestha S, Rawal K B
Abstract: In our investigation, we found out that the lung infections can be due to fungus
which can make the treatment to cancer a bit confusing for medical therapy. People
with weakened immune systems are susceptible to infections by opportunistic
fungi and can invade the lungs. Here, one patient was diagnosed with squamous
cell carcinoma of left lung but later on his right lung was found to show multiple
cannon ball opacities which were reported to be metastasis by chest X-ray and CT
Scan reports. However, it was not the exact case because when treated with antifungal
drugs, the cannon balls disappeared within two weeks.
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