KUMJ | VOL. 13 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 52 | OCT-DEC, 2015
Oblique Retro-Aortic Left Renal Vein and its Clinical Importance
Bhagavath P, Nayak BS, Monteiro NPF, Kumar GP
Abstract: Kidneys are the organs that remove the waste products of the metabolic activities.
A smooth blood flow to the kidneys is essential to maintain their function.
Abnormalities of the renal vasculature may result not only in impairing the renal
function but can lead to conditions like varicocele. During an autopsy of an adult
male, we observed renal vascular variations. The left renal vein had a retro-aortic
course before its termination into the inferior vena cava. It was joined with the
inferior vena cava at the level of inferior mesenteric artery with an acute angle. The
left testicular vein joined the left renal vein with an acute angle. The right kidney
was supplied by two renal arteries. The knowledge about retro-aortic course of the
left renal vein may be important during renal transplantation. The oblique course of
left renal vein and the termination of left testicular vein into it with an acute angle
may increase the chances of left sided varicocele.
Keyword : Inferior vena cava, kidney, renal vein, retro-aortic, variation