KUMJ | VOL. 15 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 57 | JAN.-MARCH, 2017
Study of Adherence Pattern of Antidepressants in Patients with Depression
Shrestha Manandhar J, Shrestha R, Basnet N, Silwal P, Shrestha H, Risal A, Kunwar D
Abstract: Background
Depression is one of the leading psychiatric disorders of the world affecting a
person’s mood, physical health and behavior. It is not permanent and is neither a
character flaw nor a lack in discipline for a person to be ashamed of. It is a disorder
that is reliably diagnosed and successfully treated. Antidepressants are the standard
and the most efficacious approach to treating people with depression. However,
adherence to treatment is necessary for achieving effectiveness. The result of nonadherence
is severe and may cause therapeutic failure resulting in poor quality of
To determine the medication adherence pattern in patients with depression and
assess the factors associated with non-adherence to the prescribed antidepressant
Patients meeting the inclusion criteria who were diagnosed with depression were
taken for the study. Informed consent was taken from the patients or from their
relatives in case of their incapability. They were then interviewed using structured
Among the 60 patients included in the study, 78% of them were females. Most
of the patients 43% (n=26) were prescribed with atypical antidepressants. Less
number (37%) of the patients were adherent to the antidepressant therapy. 68% of
the females were non adherent. 82% of housewives were not adherent to therapy.
Forgetfulness was the main reason for missing dose in majority (50%) of the nonadherent
Majority of the patients with depression were non-adherent to medication.
Forgetfulness was the major reason for missing dose in these patients.
Keyword : Adherence, Antidepressants, Depression, Non-adherence