KUMJ | VOL. 15 | NO. 3 | ISSUE 59 | JULY-SEPT. 2017

Fetal Ascites Mimicking Maternal Ovarian Tumor: A Rare Cause of Obstructed Labour
Shrestha D, Baniya S, Khatri RB

Fetal ascites has been diagnosed more frequently these days because of routine ultrasound scanning in pregnancy. However as a cause of dystocia in labour, it is very rare. Twenty four years second gravida of 28 weeks 6 days of gestation presented to labour room with preterm obstructed labour. Abdominal examination revealed less readily palpable fetal parts and distantly localized fetal heart sounds. An urgent ultrasound showed huge maternal ovarian cyst. She then underwent emergency cesarean section; delivered a male baby with grossly distended abdomen. However, the ovaries were normal looking. Routine antenatal ultrasounds help in identifying maternal and congenital fetal anomalies. They also guide in planning the most appropriate management. Whenever fetal ascites is diagnosed antenatally, possibility of dystocia in labour should be kept in mind.
Keyword : Cesarean, Fetal ascites, Ovarian tumor