KUMJ | VOL. 18 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 69 | JAN.-MARCH, 2020
Effects of Cold Stimulation Induced Pain on Cardiopulmonary Parameters: A Gender Based Study
Jha RK, Amatya S
Abstract: Background
Cold pressor induced pain elicits sympathetic responses which can be monitored by
measuring blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate after exposure to the cold
This study was done to evaluate gender difference in acute pain induced by cold
pressor test on blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate of healthy individuals.
Our study was cross sectional study with the sample size of 40 including 20 male
and 20 female undergraduates. Acute pain was induced by immersion of hand in
cold water at 4
C. Changes in blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate were
recorded by the digital sphygmomanometer and AD Instruments (Model: ML856,
Serial: T26-4025) and analysis was done by Lab Chart 7 Pro v 7.3.3 respectively. Acute
pain parameter like pain threshold was also recorded. Statistical analysis was done by
using Paired “t” test and non-parametric test.
The present study enrolled 40 participants, aged between 18 – 24 years, and body
mass index from 15.78 – 36.06 kg/m
. The respiratory rate was increased in both
males (17.30±3.19 to 19.0±3.21, P=0.01) and females (18.60±1.98 to 19.90±2.82,
P= 0.01) however significant increase in heart rate was only found in females
(77.80±8.07 to 80.70±7.80, P=0.03) after cold pressor test. The systolic as well as
diastolic blood pressure did not increase significantly after cold pressor test. The pain
thresholds ranged from 25.2 to 105.8 seconds (61.60±23.26, male Vs. 52.69±18.49,
female, p = 0.188).
Our findings point towards autonomic adjustments suggesting more of sympathetic
over activity immediately after cold pressor test.
Keyword : Blood pressure, Cold pressor test, Heart rate, Respiratory rate