KUMJ | VOL. 18 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 69 | JAN.-MARCH, 2020
Our Experience in Database Entry in Ear Surgery
Shrestha BL
Abstract: Otological database is must for every otological surgeon. The surgeons who do not
have their own surgical database have difficult in convincing the patients about the
outcome of procedure. Looking at the literature review about the concerned surgery
does not reflect the success rate of the surgeon who is performing the surgery. So
it is very important for every surgeon to have their own data base. The database
helps surgeon to improve their skills and compare their own surgical results within
and with other literatures. This helps the surgeon to convince patients regarding
success and failure rates of their surgery. Not only that, but it also helps to perform
prospective research work.
Keyword : Otologic database, Patients, Surgeons