KUMJ | VOL. 19 | NO. 3 | ISSUE 75 | JULY - SEPT. 2021
Vaginal Atresia with Cervical Agenesis, a Rare Congenital Malformation
Regmi DR, Dangal G, Karki A, Pradhan HK, Shrestha R, Bhattachan K, Tiwari KD, Bharati S, Manandhar P, Maharjan S
Abstract: Congenital vaginal atresia and cervical agenesis is a rare congenital abnormality
of the female genital tract. Here we report a case of 15-year old girl with primary
amenorrhea with hematometra, presented with lower abdominal mass. She was
symptomatic since 5 months and visited local hospital after 4 months of onset of
her symptoms when it became severe, where diagnostic laparotomy was performed
for suspected Adnexal mass. Intraoperatively adnexal mass was adhered with and
extended up to the uterus with 16 weeks size of uterus. Abdomen was closed
without any further intervention and was referred to higher center for needful.
When she presented to Kathmandu Model Hospital, she was asymptomatic on her
post-operative day of laparotomy. We planned for surgical intervention after
examination and investigation. Drainage with vaginoplasty with amnion graft with
placement of mould was done.
Keyword : Congenital cervical agenesis, Hematometra, Vaginal atresia, Vaginoplasty