KUMJ | VOL. 19 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 76 | OCT.-DEC. 2021
Behcet’s Disease with Absent HLA Serotyping and Pathergy Test
Ranabhat S, Byanju R, Khadka S
Abstract: Behcet’s disease is a multisystemic vasculitis of unknown etiopathogenesis
characterized by recurrent acute inflammation. A 30-year male presented with
progressive blurred vision in both eye for one month associated with photophobia,
redness and ocular pain. On presentation best corrected visual acuity was 6/9 both
eyes. Bilateral ocular examination of anterior segment demonstrated occasional
cells. Treatment history of multiple joint pain along with oral aphthous ulcers.
Erythematous papulopustular lesion over face, neck, trunk and genital ulcers were
being treated. Irrespective of negative human leucocyte antigen B51 and pathergy,
patient was diagnosed as Behcet’s disease on the basis of clinical criteria and
started with topical steroid and cycloplegic. At one-month, ocular symptoms were
relieved. Behcet’s disease is a rare, autoimmune disease, which lacks universal
pathognomonic test and investigations, therefore diagnosis is primarily done with
international criteria for Behcet’s disease. Multidisciplinary approach certainly
helps in early diagnosis and eliminating morbidity.
Keyword : Behcet’s disease, HLAB51, Pathergy test, Silk road, Uveitis