KUMJ | VOL. 20 | NO. 2 | ISSUE 78 | APRIL - JUNE 2022
Dhulikhel Hospital Checklist Protocol for Temporal Bone Computed Tomography Scan Analysis: How We Do It?
Shrestha BL, KC AK, Karmacharya S
Abstract: The temporal bone is very complicated anatomical structure. Any disease
process within this structure mandates thorough anatomical knowledge of the
corresponding structure. The High resolution computed tomography (HRCT)
temporal bone is the best way to look inside this complex bone. The importance of
knowledge about how to read and look inside the CT scan temporal bone lead us
develop the Dhulikhel Hospital Check list protocol. This protocol will help aspiring
otologist and otolaryngologist to read and know details about the underlying
Keyword : High resolution computed tomography, Otologist, Temporal bone