KUMJ | VOL. 6 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 21 | JAN-MAR, 2008

Why treat? Better prevent: Adult immunization
Kishore PV, Palaian S, Paudel R, Paudel B, Mishra P, Prabhu M


Immunization is a safe, effective and simple way to prevent life threatening illnesses not only in children but also in adults. Vaccines are some of the safest medicines available which can relieve suffering costs related to these preventable diseases. The reason for underutilization of vaccines in adults are 1) Low prioritization of the importance of vaccines preventable diseases among adults 2) Uncertainty or lack of knowledge about the safety and efficacy 3) Lack of universal recommendations for all adults and 4) Financial constraints, especially in developing countries.
Adult immunizations are administered in primary series like previously immunized, booster doses and periodic doses. Agents include Toxoids (Diphtheria and Tetanus), Live Virus Vaccines (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), and inactivated virus vaccines (Influenza), Inactive viral particles (Hepatitis B), inactivated bacterial polysaccharide vaccine (Pneumococcal) and Conjugate / Polysaccharide vaccine (Meningococcal). And also vaccines like Hepatitis A, Polio and Varicella may be recommended in some.
Since the economy and literacy rate has shown a steady rise in the South Asia and people are being aware of different health problems through the recently advanced global communication, the education and awareness for immunization not only in children but also in adults need a special consideration.
Keeping in view the statistical data of suffering costs related to the non-utilization of immunization in adults, the need of hour has come for utilization of immunization to emphasize its importance.

Keyword : Adult immunization, Vaccines.