KUMJ | VOL. 6 | NO. 2 | ISSUE 22 | APRIL-JUNE, 2008

Supernumerary head of biceps brachii: A rare occurrence in the Nepalese population
Vijayabhaskar P, Baral P, Vaishya R, Shrestha RN


Unilateral three headed biceps brachii muscle was observed in the dissected cadaver of a 45-year-old Nepalese cadaver. The supernumerary head is taking origin from the tendon of deltoid and crossing in front of the long head of biceps and joining with short head of biceps brachii. The incidence of this variation is very rare and there was no available literature in Nepalese population. Presence of such variation should be kept in mind by Surgeons and Traumatologists.

Keyword : Biceps brachii muscle, Supernumerary head