KUMJ | VOL. 7 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 28 | OCT-DEC, 2009
Laryngocele masquerading as a soft tissue neck mass
Dhungel K, Gupta MK, Ahmad K, Sah PL, Rauniyar RK
Abstract: Laryngocele is a rare entity which can clinically present as a neck mass and requires Computed Tomography (CT) and laryngoscopy for diagnosis. We present an interesting case of bilateral laryngocele in a 45 -year-old male presented clinically as hoarseness and left sided neck mass without any history of predisposing factors. Ultrasonography (USG) and CT features of laryngocele is also presented here.
Keyword : Laryngocele; Cervical mass; Ultrasonography; Computed Tomography